Wednesday 28 March 2007

Wecome to the Panic Free Zone...

If you've gotten this far you must care a great deal about me, my family, reading or just have way too much time on your hands.

The title comes from the book, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy." Each of the guides has the comforting line at the bottom, "don't panic." Many years ago and on a bit of conferencing software that is used by almost nobody anymore (VAXNOTES) we used to enter data with our nodename::username then a clever little title. One of the most memorable ones, to me at least, was "It okay to panic now..." I wonder if I love that book because of the quirky British humor, the comradeship of my children who all read it, or listening to my son (~12 at the time) who read it into tape for me. Also it had so many wonderful quotable lines!

What is on the Ipod Nano?

A Patriot's History of the United States (5 of 7) - a great successor to Stephen Ambrose

Jefferson's War (1 of 2) - a history of the war against the Barbary Pirates - or our first war against terrorist

The Cold War - boring! How can this be boring? Give the best material in the world to a college professor

The Fledgling - A great story about vampire's by a woman named Octavia Butler. It would have made a great series, tragically she passed away last year so the fledgling will stay that way.

The Historian - Another history of vampire's. This one has the hero track down the beginnings of the vampires in Eastern Europe. My daughter and Terrie at work highly recommended this and they weren't wrong! I'm 4 Cd's into the book (of 22).

Bloody Season - A history of the gunfight of the OK corral. This was an amazingly divisive situation. I have read several books about Wiatt Earp and he was never caught in the grey area of life. You were either on his side or against him. He was either the hero or villain.

Dr. Laura - Currently I'm doing the episodes from 20 March. I find most of her things compelling and I have to stop myself from spending 1.5 hours a day listening to her radio shows. The most compelling thing she said on the most recent show was about some protesters in Washington state who burned a soldier in effigy. I do find her radio shows much more interesting than her books. Her book, most recent that I've tried was "Care and Feeding of Marriage" was like reading a car user manual.

The Ensign - March 2007, I love listening to this magazine.

More later...

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